Argentinian Bicentennial 2010.
Location: Dársena Norte, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Date: August 2008.
The LEDs covering in the inner and outer faces of the Punctum enables the chromatic programming for its changing adaptation to the Buenos Aires urban landscape.
National Nautical School / student housing / temporary exhibitions.
Media library.
Museum of Immigration.
Pedestrian bridge.
Linear park above Riverside highway.
Floating social platforms.
Resting area with benches.
Resting area with benches, level - 2.00.
To utilize the given space for a new intervention seeking the relationship with the river.
Given intervention is based on the decompression of the violent vibrations flowing from our metropolis.
How to intervene a site traversed by such lines of force?
Four basic decisions:
. The pedestrian reconnection of the city with the site.
. The generation of topography which shall sustain the park on a metropolitan scale.
. The concentration of new and existing buildings combining uses and program according to density and signification of the area (leisure, recreation, education).
. "Establish a Punctum (Roland Barthes) maximized in bicentennial identity which shall be established between knowledge of the past and the future guidelines: Rotation in temporary space."